Christopher Grillot


Chris is a production manager at Wampold Strategies. He joined the team in August to help the firm complete the 2014 election cycle. Now, he manages production schedules, edits mail plans and designs and researches races.

Chris earned a journalism degree in 2013 from Louisiana State University. He wrote and edited for LSU’s student newspaper, The Daily Reveille, for three years and interned at The Desert Sun in Palm Springs, Ca., in the summer of 2012. 

Aside from Wampold Strategies, Chris freelances for | The Times-Picayune, writes screenplays, makes short films and co-owns a small videography company.

Notable Clients & Initiatives

  • Amendment 1: Florida’s Water and Land Conservation, the largest land conservation measure in U.S. history
  • Public Question 2: Open Space and Water Quality Dedication (NJ)
  • U.S. Senator Jim Webb (VA)
  • U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar (MN)
  • Mayor Mitch Landrieu (New Orleans)
  • Mayor Shirley Franklin, Atlanta’s first black female mayor
  • Mayor Mark Stodola (Little Rock)
  • Mayor Bob Coble (Columbia)
  • Mayor Kip Holden, Baton Rouge’s first black mayor
  • In 2011, Wampold Strategies elected Bill John Baker Chief of the Cherokee Nation, the largest tribe in the U.S., coming from 42 points down to unseat a 12-year entrenched incumbent.
  • Wampold Strategies also helped mastermind the unlikely rejection of the 2011 “Personhood Amendment” in Mississippi by a 58–42 margin.

Your campaign is too important to hand to an inexperienced firm.

We have won elections in 31 states, electing Democrats, and securing billions in funding for progressive causes.

wampold strategies has won races and ballot initiatives in 31 states
USPS Survey of Political Outreach Options
USPS Survey of Political Outreach Options